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    Trik upgrade hp ipaq rw6818/6828 ke windows mobile 6.5 (wm 6.5)

    Sebelumnya saya ucapka banyak-banyak terimakasih telah mengunjungi blog ini semoga teman-teman semua selalu ada didalam kebahagiaan:

    Ok Sekarang kita bahas sesuai judul ''Trik upgrade hp ipaq rw6818/6828 ke windows mobile 6.5 (wm 6.5)''
    teman-teman semuanya sebelumnya saya sudah posting ''Trik upgrade hp ipaq rw6818/6828 ke windows mobile 6.1 (wm 6.1)'' untuk upgrade wm 6.5 triknya sama seperti upgrade ke wm 6.1 tapi mungkin sebagian teman-teman baru mengikuti postingan ini baik kita bahas lagi Trik upgrad hp ipaq wm 5.xx/wm6.1 ke wm 6.5
    berikut ini yang harus di persiapkan:

    1. Backup semua contact, sms, email, dan file yg di phone memory, bisa dilakukan dg PPCPimBackup atau Sprite Backup,Sprite Backup v6.2.2 bisa di download di sini Sprite Backup v6.2.2
    2. Download ROM di sini ROM wm6.5
    3. Extract file diskimg.nb0 ke root dari mini SD. Mini SD yang dipakai sebaiknya maksimal 1 GB. Kalo 2GB  kadang berhasil kadang tidak. sebaiknya tidak ada file lain selain Diskimg.nb0, kalo folder gtidak apa-apa.
    4. charge baterai sampai minimal 75%.
    5. Tekan 2 tombol;"-" {diatas tombol warna hijau dan warna merah}dan tekan secara bersamaan, lalu tunggu kira-kira 10 s/d 20 menit. Jangan dimatikan/reset ya, sabar saja tunggu, lalu PDA akan melakukan hard reset sendiri.
    6. Align Screen, adjust time and date
    7. Restart PDA Anda

                                                            ------Nah selesai deach------

    Nah berikut ini Sofware pendukungnya

    1. biasanya kalau sudah upgrade program javanya hilang sehingga kita tidak bisa install file java sekalipun,nah untuk bisa install file java lagi teman-teman silahkan install dulu java midletnya silahkan download file nya disini java midlet
    2. Push Mail bisa di download di sini Push Mail on PDA (seven beta)
    3. htc audio manager download

    sekian dari saya,dengan harapan saya bisa membantu teman-teman semua, mohon maaf atas segala kekurangannya

    Wahid N ags

    My previous ucapka many-many thanks for visiting this blog I hope all my friends there's always something in happiness: ok now we discuss the appropriate title of '' tricks hp ipaq rw68186828 upgrade to windows mobile 6.5 (wm 6.5) '' friends before everything previously I've been posting '' tricks hp ipaq rw68186828 upgrade to windows mobile 6.1 (wm 6.1) '' wm 6.5 upgrade for the same trick as an upgrade to wm 6.1 but maybe some new friends to follow this post we discussed again the trick either upgraded hp ipaq 5.xxwm6.1 to wm 6.5 wm following should be prepared: 

    1. se backup all contacts, sms, email, and the file in phone memory, can be done dg ppcpimbackup or sprite backup, sprite backup v6.2.2 can be downloaded here sprite backup v6.2.2 2 
    2. download here rom wm6.5 rom  
    3. extract the files diskimg, nb0 to the root of the mini sd, mini sd that is used should be a maximum of 1 gb, 2gb if sometimes successfully sometimes not, should not there another file besides diskimg, nb0, if anything  folder. 
    4. Charge the battery until at least 75%. 
    5. press the power button and the button above the green and red colors simultaneously
    6. wait approximately 10 to 20 minutes, do not reset it off, just wait patiently, then pda will do a hard reset itself.
    7. Align Screen, adjust time and date & Restart your pda
    well below the supporting software:

    1. usually when it's missing java upgrade program so that we can not even install java file, now to be able to install java files again friends please install java first midletnya please download the file here
    2. Push mail can be downloaded here
    3. htc audio manager download here

    so from me, hoping I could help my friends after all, apologize for its shortcomings

    greetings from my prosperous

    4 komentar:

    Anonim mengatakan...

    serius bs neeh...???boros batere gak?ada bugs gak?

    wgs service mengatakan...

    kalo ke wm 6.5 batre lumayan boros gan,kalo ane dah coba untuk ipaq 6818/6828 lebih bagus ke wm 6.1 dan hasil kameranya lumayan bagus bisa di cek di sini gan ROM nya:http://wahidnags.blogspot.com/2010/09/upgrade-hp-ipaq-rw68186828.html


    Anonim mengatakan...

    kalo GAGAL gmn gan???
    mati total kah?
    masih bs di revive kah kira2?

    Anonim mengatakan...

    gan maksudnya tombol merah ama ijo yang di atas ?
    perasaan ane ga ada deh di hp ipaq rw6818


