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    New Version of XDAFacebook App for WM Released – Now With Places!

    xdafacebook.2If you are a Facebook socialite and cannot be without reading everything about your friends, XDA member joe_coolish has a fix for your addiction. XDAFacebook for Windows Mobile has been updated to version 4.5, which brings in a very interesting new functionality, unique to this app (in Windows Mobile, that is). Places/Checkins will allow you not only to share your thoughts and pictures but also your location worldwide. The app makes use of the GPS features in your device (if present) and share your coordinates with the rest of the world. Think about the regular Facebook app and Google Latitude having son if you can’t picture what this app does.
    There are other improvements on the app as well, so please leave some feedback for the dev and for the continued work on this app.
    BETA 4.5!

    • Places/Checkins! Yep, the only Facebook client for Windows Mobile to support Checkins and places! Just know that GPS data is sent to Facebook when you use the Checkin portion of the client. Some devices may experience lag!
      • IMPORTANT! In order to use the new Places features, you must Logout and then log back into XDAFacebook. This will cause you to authorize XDAFB to use the Place APIs. I recommend using the External Browser login method to do this.
    • Landscape Support! I’ve tried to implement as much of the app with landscape compatibility. There still are some things that aren’t 100% (eg, dropdowns) but they are in the works! If you find something that doesn’t look right in landscape, feel free to bring it up!
    • Bug Fixes: A couple of key bugs were fixed. One of which is the old graphics cropping up every once in a while.
    • I also added a First Time message that will display key features with each release upon first install.
    • Finally I added a donate button in the About menu. Feel free to test it all you’d like!
    You can find more information in the application thread.
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    to download the file please click here

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